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Publication scheme

The publication scheme specifies the categories of information that High Speed 2 (HS2) Ltd publishes and explains how to get that information.

The Freedom of Information Act encourages public authorities to make as much information as possible available to the public proactively. We do this by publishing the data that people need to understand who we are, what we spend and what we achieve.

Under the Act, we are required to adopt a publication scheme which contains information we routinely make available, and ensure that information is published in accordance with the scheme. Available information is grouped under the following ‘classes of information’.

Who we are and what we do

Information about how we work as a business, how we relate to the Government our legal governance and HS2’s route. This includes:

What we spend and how we spend it

Financial information on the funding we receive and our expenditure. You can see the details of our contracts, as well as opportunities to work with our suppliers. This includes:

How we make decisions

This is where we publish details of our decision-making processes and records of our decisions. These include:

Corporate reports, board minutes and audit committee minutes, can be found on the HS2 section of GOV.UK. This is in line with government policy on publishing corporate information. They will continue to be published there:

Our policies and procedures

Our rules and guidelines for the way we work and how we deliver on our responsibilities, including:

Lists and registers

Information we hold in registers and on lists that relate to the functions of HS2 Ltd, including:

This is how we are doing on handling FOI requests, including the number received, responded to and the degree to which information was released.

Information asset register

  • Information asset register
  • Open data publication register

Property and land

Suppliers and businesses

Register of interest

Register of undertakings and insurances

Data and datasets

Our published datasets keeping our neighbours up to date on our progress and what work is taking place where they are. These include:

Open Data

Ecological survey data

Land and property data

Requesting information

You have the right to request for recorded information on any subject held by HS2 Ltd.

Before making a request, we suggest you first check our Publication Scheme (above) to see if the information you require is already available.

Read the guidance on how to make a request

To make a new request

Make a new request using our online form

Email: [email protected]

HS2 Freedom of Information Manager
High Speed Two (HS2) Ltd
Two Snowhill
Snow Hill Queensway
B4 6GA

If you make a request you need to include:

  • your full name and an address for correspondence
  • what information is required and your preferred format (if applicable)

We will then tell you in writing whether or not we hold the information you have requested. If we do, we will either:

  • provide you with the information
  • or inform you why we are not providing the information you have requested

Once you receive a reply to your request, if you are not satisfied, you can ask us to review our response.

If you are not satisfied with the outcome of the review, you can complain or appeal to the Information Commissioner.

Further information

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